The K9 Story

The K9 Story

Timeline – MILESTONES Timeline – NEWS

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IMG-5444 K9 Top Coat Debut FEBRUARY, 2000

Richard, myself & Andrew (2 1/2) at the official debut of K9 Top Coat at the Rose City Classic Dog Show in Portland Oregon. The suits were still being many and the only picture we had to promote the new suit was our prototype.

Animal Planet Family Time & Animal Planet FEBRUARY, 2000

Andrew (probably 4 yrs old). This picture was taken during the filming of a K9TC commercial that appeared on Animal Planet.

image_2023-08-18_031016048 Introducing: The Weatherproof Bodysuit FEBRUARY, 2000

Andrew with Dixie wearing our newly introduced Weatherproof Bodysuit. Picture taken on our property in Talent Oregon.

image_2023-08-18_032447462 Enjoying K9 Top Coats with the Family AUGUST, 2001

Me with our 2nd child, Aric August 2001. This was another photoshoot with our dog Dixie.