
Sunny’s Coat Keeps Her Safe From The Sun

By K9 Wellness Team / March 26, 2018

I wanted to let you know that we received the bodysuit for Sunny and it’s fantastic. It was easy to put on, only took her a few minutes to get used to it, and was put to the test when she played with her cousin later in the day. I’ve sent you a video of…

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It Fits Her Perfectly!

By K9 Wellness Team / November 22, 2015

  It fits her perfectly and moves and stretches with her. I recently ordered a lycra bodysuit for my standard poodle. My dog has lymphoma and unlike some breeds she is losing her hair with chemo therapy. I couldn’t stand the fine black hair all over the house so I needed to shave her. When…

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I’m So Grateful for Your Products

By K9 Wellness Team / June 2, 2009

Beth HughesRowley – MA My dog, Iggy, developed a condition which can be a vet and pet owners worst nightmare, after having a tumor removed from his hind leg. The condition is known as a “Lick Granuloma”. This essentially means that my dog became so obsessed with the area where the original tumor existed that…

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Skin Condition Help

By K9 Wellness Team / September 30, 2007

Connie – Wyoming Just wanted to let you know how much you’ve helped us. Hi, I just wanted to let you know how your Lycra bodysuit works for our dog, Cookie. She was born with a genetic deficit — she doesn’t have enough collagen in her skin. The result is that her skin rips and…

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Thank You for Developing the K9 Top Coat

By K9 Wellness Team / October 10, 2006

Bruce, Rebecca, Winston, and Shelby – California It will make injuries much less traumatic for us!! “One of our Belgian Malinois, Shelby, thinks that she should be Alpha Dog. Our other Malinois, Winston, knows that he is. Unfortunately, Shelby doesn’t always believe him. Their latest disagreement resulted in 11 staples in Shelby’s side. We had…

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Found Your Lycra Bodysuit and the Rest Is History

By K9 Wellness Team / October 10, 2006

Debbie We had been fighting the infection for about a month prior to using the suit. Thank you for a great product. Don’t know if you remember but Simone had a nasty sore on her leg from constant licking. Found your product on line and took a chance on it. It worked great after we…

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Thank You For Helping Keep Her Warm and Healthy!

By K9 Wellness Team / October 10, 2006

Roveno – New Jersey She seemed to enjoy it from day one. I bought this coat for Shasha because she is 15-1/2 years old and has bad arthritis. She has also had spinal surgery. I thought that this would be a great way to keep her back and legs warm in the cold winter months.…

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The K9 Top Coat is Nothing Short of a Miracle!

By K9 Wellness Team / October 10, 2006

L. Pearl – Maryland I have spent over $5,000 in testing and in an effort to make him more comfortable. The K9 Top Coat is nothing short of a miracle!!! My dutch shepherd has suffered from allergies for almost four years. I have spent over $5,000 in testing and in an effort to make him…

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My Home and My Car Are Much Cleaner

By K9 Wellness Team / October 10, 2006

Gayle – Minnesota The first time I put the K9 Top Coat on my dog Buddy (a German Shepherd service dog) it didn’t even phase him. It is really easy to put on. My home and my car are much cleaner thanks to the K9 Top Coat. Buddy recently had to have stitches . I…

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Thank Goodness for the K9 Top Coat

By K9 Wellness Team / September 21, 2006

Dorothie – Stanford, California My Cavalier puppy was spade two days ago and she’s been wearing her Top Coat ever since. Thank Goodness for the K9 Top Coat! My Cavalier puppy was spade two days ago and she’s been wearing her Top Coat ever since. Every time I try to take it off, she’s back…

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